Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How a Chinese lives his day – netizens write lampoon and tweet about China’s food scares | Ministry of Tofu

Après je me réveille le matin, je me brosse les teech avec du diéthylène glycol dentifrice contenant,
Me laver le visage avec de l'eau prolifération des algues puantes,
Faire mon enfant un biberon de lait, qui contient de la mélamine et des hormones,
Considérant que je bois du lait de soja produites par des ateliers clandestins.
J'ai une pâte torsadée frits dans l'huile des eaux grasses provenant des gouttières et deux oeufs de canard salés avec le Soudan Rouge (colorant alimentaire illégale et cancérigènes),
Ou parfois, brioches à la vapeur dont la viande de remplissage a été faite à partir de cartons de vieux papiers,
Et quelques cornichons conservés dans des seaux de peinture.
Après je suis fini de manger et de boire, je vais à une usine de cigarettes de faux où je travaille et arriver à temps.
J'ai jeter un coup d'oeil à l'information boursière sur mon téléphone portable imitation: il a chuté, passant de 6.124 à 1,240.46.
A midi, je vais à la salle à manger pour le déjeuner avec mes collègues.
Je l'anguille épicée ordre, qui se nourrit sur les contraceptifs oraux qui en font grossir,
Un plat d'écrevisses capturés par les gouttières sordide,
Et peu de chou chinois pulvérise DDVP (insecticide),
Obtenez un bol de riz moisi toxiques.
Le propriétaire verse une tasse de thé avec des feuilles de thé contenant des métaux lourds 100 fois supérieure à la limite.
Quand je payer la facture, disent-ils 168 yuans (25 $) est un montant de bon augure et ne me donnez pas de tout escompte,
Et le propriétaire nous rend certains projets de loi que le changement de contrefaçon.
Dans la soirée, je rentre chez moi. de porc vapeur I, qui contient du chlorhydrate de clenbutérol (un additif illégal),
Fabriquez un plat froid de méduses, qui est trempé dans du formol,
Prenez un petit pain, qui a azurant,
Sip à une tasse d'alcool frelaté au méthanol.
Quand je suis sur le point d'aller dormir, le formaldéhyde libéré de nouveaux matériaux de construction débrouillard mes yeux tellement que les larmes continuent à sortir.
Je ne peux donc enterrer ma tête dans ma couette rembourrée avec? Coton cœur noir (utilisé et du coton et des déchets dangereux de fibres industrielles).?
A la pensée qu'il ya encore 400.000 yuans, plus les intérêts à parcourir avant que je rembourser mon prêt hypothécaire,
Je me tourne et tourner dans le lit et peut? Automne t endormi.
Je fouille pour des somnifères et avalé une demi-bouteille, il doesn t de travail?.
Je goûte un peu. Bon. Heureusement, ce n'est que poudre de riz gluant?

How a Chinese lives his day – netizens write lampoon and tweet about China’s food scares | Ministry of Tofu: "After I wake up in the morning, I brush my teech with toothpaste containing diethylene glycol,
Wash my face with stinky algae bloom water,
Make my child a bottle of milk, which contains melamine and hormones,
Whereas I drink soy milk produced by underground workshops.
I have a twisted dough fried in swill oil from gutters and two salted duck egg with Sudan Red (illegal and carcinogenic food dye),
Or sometimes steamed buns whose meat filling was made from waste paper cartons,
And some pickles preserved in paint buckets.
After I am done eating and drinking, I go to a fake cigarette factory where I work and arrive on time.
I sneak a peek at stock market information on my copycat cellphone: it has plummeted from 6,124 to 1,240.46.
At noon, I go to the dining hall for lunch with my co-workers.
I order spicy eel, which feeds on oral contraceptives that make it grow bigger,
A dish of crawfish caught from sordid gutters,
And Chinese little cabbage sprayed with DDVP (insecticide),
Get a bowl of mildewed poisonous rice.
The owner pours a cup of tea with tea leaves containing heavy metal 100 times in excess of the limit.
When I pay the bill, they say 168 yuan ($25) is an auspicious amount and do not give me any discount,
And the owner gives us back some counterfeit bills as change.
In the evening, I get home. I steam pork, which contains clenbuterol hydrochloride (an illegal additive),
Make a cold dish out of jellyfish, which is soaked in formalin,
Grab a bun, which has fluorescent whitening agent,
Sip at a cup of liquor adulterated with methanol.
When I am about to go to sleep, the formaldehyde released from new building materials smarts my eyes so much that tears keep coming out.
So I can only bury my head into my quilt padded with “black heart cotton (used and hazardous cotton and industrial fiber waste).”
At the thought that there is still 400,000 yuan plus interest to go before I pay off my home mortgage,
I toss and turn in bed and can’t fall asleep.
I rummage for sleeping pills and swallowed half a bottle; it doesn’t work.
I taste it a little bit. Good. Luckily, it is only glutinous rice powder…

Chinese tweet about food safety and Japanese nuclear crisis:

Madam Curie lived 67 years despite exposure to radiation from dusk to dawn. Chernobyl has even become a tourism site. China is so far away from Japan, what are you worried about? I firmly believe that a nation which has gone through the baptism of Sudan Red, melamine, illegal additive in meat and poisonous dumplings will not be defeated by this little radiation. (@CaoniBird)

Comments on the essay from renren.com


How environmentally friendly Chinese are! The recycling/reuse rate for wastes is so damn high.


0.0 I suddenly feel my physical health is so great…


Have any idea how does our living under torture of these toxic substances every day help? Since even these things fail to kill us, what the heck can radiation do?


This is China.


Ah, vicious New Society (Jing: defined by the Communist Party as the era since the founding of the regime). I am speechless. There is so much more yet to be discovered.


If ET invaded the earth, what they have the least courage to eat are us.


Therefore, just rest assured. If we Chinese have to die, all men on earth have to die.


Everything is for the sake of biochemical warfare in the future…You guys should believe that Chinese resistance/immunity is the strongest!


Haha, Chinese resistance/immunity is indeed strong! But watch out for harmonization. (Internet slang/euphemism for Chinese internet censorship, which ‘harmonizes’ the jarring noises.)



That’s why I am not afraid of radiation. Haha, I have got the vantage point from the start. Oh oh oh!


…Speechless…Suddenly (I) feel so strong. Even till this point, Chinese can still manage to live vividly…= =


It is really my first time to see such a classic summary.


…We’ve grown into Supermen through eating


No way to live any more…


People in the Heavenly Kingdom have gone through the most tests! When the universe is about to be destroyed, we will still be standing on top of the world…




Chinese are leading such an arduous life.

– Envoyé à l'aide de la barre d'outils Google"

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