The Citizen Science Foundation and the Network Environment Health urge support for the whistleblower Jacques Poirier, wrongfully dismissed for demanding, for the sake of defending the individual and public health, the development and generalization of analytical methods and rigorous control procedures for raw materials which are extracted heparins. Sanofi-Aventis must recognize its responsibility and commitment that such irregularities do not recur.
We invite the press and anyone interested in the subject of future public health in numbers to support Jacques Poirier at the public hearing to be held Nov. 4 from 9 am, at the Labour Court located at 7 rue Mahias in Boulogne-Billancourt.
59 years old today, this whistleblower, Pasteur and veterinary training, former national expert from the AFSSA (French Agency for Food Safety), former CEO of the company-AVENTIS PHARMA (integrated TODAY 'Today the group SANOFI-AVENTIS) was dismissed in 2003 for refusing to endorse some questionable practices regarding the manufacture of enoxaparin, heparin used in the manufacture of anti-coagulants (LOVENOX / Clexane) whose turnover annual turnover is more than 3 billion euros.
Enoxaparin is a heparin produced from pig intestines whose supplies come from China more than 50%. Among the "reasons" given for his dismissal Jacques POIRIER contained repeated warnings from his company in respect of supplies of raw materials from China.
Five years later (2008), the United States and Germany recorded nearly a hundred dead and over 800 shocks of allergic patients, following administration of intravenous heparin marketed by BAXTER U.S. laboratory. After investigation it was found that batches of the anticoagulant under investigation were all from China. They all contained a substance adulterated, fraudulently added to "boost" the effects of heparin: the chondroitin sulfate ... A few days later, the French Agency for Sanitary Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) officially acknowledged that 11 commercial batches of enoxaparin (LOVENOX SANOFI-AVENTIS) were also contaminated by the same substance.
These accidents (and perhaps more to come) could have been avoided if we had listened to the whistleblower Jacques Poirier!
Since its inception, the Citizen Science Foundation is committed to defending whistleblowers. She has continued to denounce the total lack of protection for these scientists and ordinary citizens who, having warned against the dangers to individual and public health, are delivered helpless to reprisals from their superiors and / or lobbies concerned. The department proposes that the ethical Citizen Science Foundation under the name of "High Authority for the expertise and alert" would be responsible for defining the principles of ethics expertise with all aspects underlying and to identify legal and other protection for whistleblowers. The Foundation is working on a bill on this.
In addition to this petition, our support to Jacques Poirier will materialize in a press conference calling the media to disseminate information widely, and by posting on the website of the Citizen Science Foundation of a scientific dossier and documentation peremptory.
Demand the condemnation of Sanofi-Aventis for unfair dismissal and compensation equal to the damage suffered for Jacques Poirier!
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